Mark is back in San Francisco. He flew out yesterday afternoon, escaping another day of 100+ temperatures. He happened to have visited during the hottest week in two years. He coped admireably, complaining less than the natives, but wilting just as much.
So, here's what we did. (So Mark can remember.)
Saturday - June 18 - St. Louis
- South Grand for a walk-a-about and Thai lunch
- Cherroke Street - pictures of cool old stuff and a walk down to the old Lemp Brewery
- Layfayette Square - for our afternoon coffee and sugar rush
- The Arch
- Dinner on the Landing
- City Museum!!!!
Sunday - June 19 - Drive to Jefferson City
- via Scenic Route 94
- Photo shoot at a cool abandoned House and Barn, circa 1850
- Picnic lunch at Treloar
- BBQ at Dad's house with family for Father's Day
Monday - June 20 - Jefferson City
- Coffee at the ONE coffee shop in JC
- Capital
- Visit with Friend John Lowrance
- Central Dairy
- Dad's Yarn Shop
- Arris's Pizza for dinner
Tuesday - June 21 - Columbia
- Lunch at Subshop, with the Lord of the Rings mural
- more coffee
- Walk around downtown Columbia some
- Visit with my friend Sarah and her two boys (impromptu body painting session)
- dinner in downtown Columbia and more walking around
- Stopping off of Hwy 63 to watch the Orange Moon rise
Wednesday - June 22 - Sandy Hook
- Picking Blackberries
- Boat ride with Grandpa on Moniteau Creek to see the Jumping Fish. Three jump in the boat.
- Swim in pond with cousins
- Drive by tour of where my extended family (alive and not) live
- Fish and Turkey fry with Family
Thursday - June 23 - Mark's Birthday
- I let him sleep in.
- Spend most of day at Dad's house drinking coffee
- Central Dairy
- Madison's for dinner (a great pasta place)
Friday - June 24 - Back to St. Louis
- Via beautiful Hwy 100
- Wine tasting at Stone Hill Winery in Hermann
- Pictures of old train cars in Washington
- Visit with Margo in Webster Groves
Saturday - June 25 - St. Louis
- Coffee at Kaldi's, my favorite coffee shop, with gooey butter cake
- Walk around Washington University, my alma mater
- Walk around the Loop, including Fitz's Root Beer, a cool comic book store and Vintage Vinyl
- City Museum in the day light and drive around St. Louis Downtown
- Waffle House
- Historic Riverfront in St. Charles
If you want photos, you'll have to check
Mark's Blog. He had my camera all week.