"I have need of the sky. I have business with the grasses. I will up and away at the break of day to where the hawk is wheeling lone and high and where the clouds drift by."   - Richard Hovey, 1894-1961

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Optimist's Daughter

by Eudora Welty

"The first time Laurel could remember arriving in West Virginia instead of just finding herself there, her mother and she had got down from the train in early morning and stood, after it had gone, by themselves on a steep rock, all of the world that they could see in the mist being their rock and its own iron bell on a post with a rope hanging down. Her mother gave the rope a pull and at its sound, almost at the same moment of it, large and close to them appeared a gray boat with two of the boys at the oars. At their very feet had been the river. The boat came breasting out of the mist, and in they stepped. All new things in life were meant to come like that."

page 139

excerpted from March's book club book, chosen by April.


Anonymous April said...

I agree! It makes me think of the Lady of the Lake.

3:37 PM  

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