"I have need of the sky. I have business with the grasses. I will up and away at the break of day to where the hawk is wheeling lone and high and where the clouds drift by."   - Richard Hovey, 1894-1961

Friday, September 22, 2006

And we're off!

to the Annual Meeting of the Board of Councillors!

In my keeping are:
- 90 nametags personalized with a very cute meal choice sticker, their dinner table, hike choice and sunday activity
- four spreadsheets for registration
- four spreadsheets for dinner seating and vest sizes
- one master spreadsheet that knows everything (mine!)
- four banker's boxes of supplies divided by event activity
- 9 massive post-it easel/tabletop pads!
- 1 easel
- and one 4 inch binder with hopefully everything else I might possibly need to know.

I feel prepared. I'm so good, I not only had time to blog - but to edit this post three times! And get us bagels - toasted with cream cheese.

And miracle of all miracles - I slept last night - and I slept pretty well.

Maybe that shot of NyQuil helped a little.
Think of it as preventative treatment...


And bless his heart - Mark's coming with me as official Event Photographer and Velma Anxiety Reducer.

And Thank you!!!! to Jess for last-minute cat-sitting!!! Good Luck!


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