"I have need of the sky. I have business with the grasses. I will up and away at the break of day to where the hawk is wheeling lone and high and where the clouds drift by."   - Richard Hovey, 1894-1961

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What kind of day has it been

That's the name of the season finale of West Wing, which we just watched. If any of you know the show and know me, you might predict that the suspense of the ending would drive me nuts! You're absolutely right.

So, I did what I had to do. In the absense of a last chapter to read that will tell me everyone's alright, I googled "west wing season two episode synopsis." Because truely, I likely wouldn't sleep well if I didn't know that Jed, Charlie, CJ, Toby, Sam, Josh, Leo and Zoe were all going to be ok.

I know that "They're actors! It's make believe!" which Mark just kindly reminded me of -- again.

But! But...

I think we just have to accept that my abnormal ability to suspend disbelief is going to perpetually bother Mark. On the other hand, his ability to sleep well into the day will cause me envy in perpetuity. So, it's even, right?

Best show evah! and Thank you, Google.


Blogger mamakohl said...

Ah, V, you're one of a kind.


7:42 AM  

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