
Check it out! I have new shoes. Well, they're not really new shoes, but new-to-me shoes. I've had a mild obsession with shoe shopping as of late. In the last two weeks, I've been in ... (I had to stop and count) ... at least 10 shoe stores, only two of them thrift stores. And you might as well call me Goldilocks! This pair was too shiney, this pair was too square, this pair was too dull, this pair was too uncomfortable, this pair was too expensive, this pair was too narrow... and on and on... Yesterday at lunch, I checked out one final shoe store, one that carried Dansko's, where I was hoping to find a comfortable pair of cute shoes. But I didn't like any of those either! So, I gave up. I thought - to hell with it. I'll just survive with the two pair I have until some show up at the thrift store.
Last night after work, I had to go back to the thrift store on the corner to get them to take the electronic buzz thing out of the shoe that they missed. I checked out the shoe rack because I had a few minutes and, lo and behold, I found five pairs of shoes! Considering I had been there two days before, I was amazed. Thank you, HP!
So, the black flats and brown low heels in the picture are from yesterday's shoe binge.
You might be wondering what brought on this mild obsession. This is where this gets a little wierd - at least for me.
A friend of a friend is a fasion consultant. I've been thinking lately that it would be nice to get a little advice on how to wear the umpteen skirts I have in my closet and how to update my wardrobe a bit. Working downtown and living in the city, I'd begun to notice that I was still dressing just like I did in highschool and college - cords and crew necks. I didn't want to be that person who was still wearing sky high bangs to the millenium party. And I also wanted to dress more flatteringly to my feminine frame. But I don't have the time or desire to figure it all out on my own. So, I got in touch with Voleine of Strut: style know how for today's young woman.
After filling out a questionaire and talking with her on the phone, she came over and we did a "Closet Sweep." I showed her all the things in my closet, tried on things when necessary and put things either 1) back in the closet after hearing what I could wear it with, 2) put things in a pile to be altered, or 3) put things in a pile for Good Will. The pile for Good Will grew to fill a garbage bag. The pile for altering only had two things in it, one of which I gave to a friend it might fit better and the other going to storage. As for the things in my closet, including the 16 skirts, I learned the types of clothes and shoes that I could wear them with, most of which I didn't have. I did a (for me) major shopping trip last Saturday. I got several tops and the pair of gold flats in the photo. I learned that with my brightly colored skirts I can wear black, brown or white tops and black, gold or brown more delicate shoes with tights. This is very exciting for me - except for the fact that I have a white cat and that I'm spill prone. But, heck, I'll give it a try. That is why I was obsessed with finding the right shoes, so that I could easily get dressed for work and not have to wear the same clothes I've been wearing for ages.
For the last three days, I've worn my "updated" look and I've gotten many compliments. It's been pretty easy to figure out what to wear. I've been comfortable (i.e. not too cold) and it's been fun.
What's wierd about this is accepting that it's ok to spend money on clothes and that it's ok to look good. Those are things that I historically haven't placed a high priority on. I'm experimenting, trying this on for size, and taking it one dressing day at a time.
As for being married for six weeks now, it's good. It's not much different than before, except that I don't have a wedding to plan and I have time to think about how to take better care of myself, which is nice.
Next time on Is Velma becoming a gym rat? Aren't there other ways she can get her heart rate up? Stay tuned! The sage of self-care continues to unfold...
And now it's time to help Mark fold laundry.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Labels: spirituality, women