Room with a View

This is the view from my desk, if I turn around in my chair. The Save-the-Redwoods office is in the middle of downtown San Francisco, surrounded by buildings that make up the San Francisco skyline. The triangle building in Chinatown is just a few blocks away. We're in the Adam Grant Building on the 12th floor. Don't worry, there's good evacuation plans and earthquake supports. I'll be ok.
I love that architecture!
Congrats!!! When is the first downtown Happy Hour for?? Soon right? :) Hugs!
Isn't it ironic that the Save the Readwoods League is in downtown SF, among all those towering skyscrapers?
Interestingly, the tallest redwoods would be nearly three times taller than your building. Look out of that 12th-floor window, look down at how far the pavement is. Then look up and imagine being twice as high up :D
That's why it's hard to take pictures of marbeled murrelets.
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