Thelma and Louise Drive Miss Daisy

So, Jess and I drove to Georgia with her 84-year old grandmother, Mrs. Lois Vader (inspired the Darth Vader line). It was a pretty drive. We took Hwy 55 south out of St. Louis. The countryside is green, rolling hills (think spring sierra foothills with no mountains) covered with trees, dotted with cows and billboards advertising tatoo removal, country sausage and Carhartt clothes (don't miss them at the next exit!).
The sky is big. After dark, the bugs and stars were out in full force. Sometimes, the lighting bugs were so thick it seemed like the stars were on the side of the highway. Then we got to Nashville and the stars really were on the side of the highway! =) After Nashville, we headed into the Smokies, which from the interstate, were larger, green, tree-covered rolling hills, dotted with fast food ghettos, wal-marts and fireworks stands.

We're headed to see Jolene, Dan and Pat. Jolene and Jessica are sisters and two of my best friends. I lived with them for three years during college and have known them since we were in junior high school. Pat is their mother. Lois is Pat's mother. Dan is Jolene's husband.
Wait. Lightning bugs, Carhartts, fast food ghettos, and fireworks stands?! Now I'm excited to go to Missouri!
I need me some Carhartts.
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