Grandpa's Tool Box

Grandpa has a John Deere tractor. It's rather old, beat up and held together with duct tape in places. For some reason, a pair of wrens think this is just great and build a house somewhere in it each year. Last year, it was in the cab of the tractor. This year it was in the old toolbox hanging precariously from the side of the tractor. Which was rather inconvenient for Grandpa, because he needs to use his tools and take the tractor out to disc and shred and other things that tractors do. So, he carefully removed his tools, put them on the floor of the cab, and took the toolbox off of the tractor.
The wrens haven't decided if they like this new arrangement. I hope they do, because it would otherwise be seven sad little eggs. But, from what I understand, the male wren makes several nests and the female decides which she likes best. They almost always ignore the wren boxes that are up, in favor of other types of shelter - like the lawn house or the tractor. Wrens also have several coops a year, so even if these first seven don't make it, it will still be a productive summer. At the end of the day yesterday, Grandma and I were watching the male wren check out her four-wheeler. It looks like the wheel well will make a great spot for the next nest! Grandma told him to go back to the lawn house, but I'm not sure he heard her...
Love the updates on your trip so far! Your writing style is great -- I am already getting a picture of a part of the country that is unfamiliar to me. The details about the yarn are particularly interesting. And great photos. (Please post more photos of your dad's garden sometime!)
Jen E.
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