Garden Update
Here's the fava beans two weeks after planting - October 26.
Another two weeks - November 2. There are lots of little fava beans coming up.
I put this ladder in the yard by this tree for some reason. I don't remember now. But it's now a favorite perching spot for Orson AND me. I love it! In the afternoon, it's the best way to get some sun on my back. It's like my own miniature tree house.
This is the garden on December 30. The lettace has grown quite a bit. I only lost two plants. We've eaten about half of it by now. It makes a great salad! The fava beans have grown quite a bit. You can see a rouge potatoe plant and the lovely oxalis patch in the corner. Around here, oxalis is a very pervasive weed, with cute little yellow flowers. You can't pull it up because that helps the bulbs for next year. This oxalis is covering up some of Mark's favorite little white flowers, so he took the scissors to the oxalis.
From this weekend. The recent storms only brought down one branch (that I wanted down anyway) and one hanging plant (the pot didn't break).
This weekend, I'm having someone come look at my trees. I'm realizing (as I hang out in my ladder tree house) that it's probably not a good idea for me to try pruning these trees on my own. The ground's uneven, we don't have a tall enough ladder, they haven't been pruned in a decade and I've never done it before. Minor details. I'm going to look at these as lessons. I'm also in the process (read that - daydreaming stage) of garden planning for the spring.

Another two weeks - November 2. There are lots of little fava beans coming up.

I put this ladder in the yard by this tree for some reason. I don't remember now. But it's now a favorite perching spot for Orson AND me. I love it! In the afternoon, it's the best way to get some sun on my back. It's like my own miniature tree house.

This is the garden on December 30. The lettace has grown quite a bit. I only lost two plants. We've eaten about half of it by now. It makes a great salad! The fava beans have grown quite a bit. You can see a rouge potatoe plant and the lovely oxalis patch in the corner. Around here, oxalis is a very pervasive weed, with cute little yellow flowers. You can't pull it up because that helps the bulbs for next year. This oxalis is covering up some of Mark's favorite little white flowers, so he took the scissors to the oxalis.

From this weekend. The recent storms only brought down one branch (that I wanted down anyway) and one hanging plant (the pot didn't break).

This weekend, I'm having someone come look at my trees. I'm realizing (as I hang out in my ladder tree house) that it's probably not a good idea for me to try pruning these trees on my own. The ground's uneven, we don't have a tall enough ladder, they haven't been pruned in a decade and I've never done it before. Minor details. I'm going to look at these as lessons. I'm also in the process (read that - daydreaming stage) of garden planning for the spring.
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