
I made it. I survived. Which means Burning Man was a success. Not as magical as my first year, not as painful as last year. And, actually, it was a pretty good year. Different, as always.
I made it to the Playa last Tuesday, but didn't arrive until Saturday. Sometimes it takes a while to feel the flow. I'm trying to think of a non-corny way of saying this, but there isn't. So, it takes a while to get into the groove. I, and many others, have to journey through the emotional hiccups that are released. As someone at the Temple said this year, it's like a valve is opened and many emotions, happy and not, come pouring out. There's no way to resist them. It's better not to obstruct them. And sometimes they're not always understood.
The first year, my emotional hiccups were from being too open and allowing the slimey element to interact with me. So, I learned boundaries for men.
Last year, my emotional hiccups were from being too available to my camp and allowing myself to get run down. So, I learned boundaries for activity.
This year, my emotional hiccups were from being too guarded and protecting my self and health too much and then being frustrated by the result. Overcompensation for last year. I was frustrated by being tired, a natural result of elevation, sun, heat, and overstimulation. By being a day person and not being out in the sun. By not being a night person and able to keep up with Mark. It was on Saturday that I relaxed a little and allowed myself to open up to the unknown people around me.
If and when I go again, which may or may not be next year, my goal will be to come to balance sooner - between myself and others. Which when it comes down to it, has always been my lesson.
For more pictures, check out my photoblog over the next few weeks. I'm currently decompressing in Park City, Utah at Carley's parents house, which is basically a resort in the mountains. It has showers, clean sheets and coffee! Everything!
On Sunday, I'll be heading up to see Andi, who is moving to Chicago in two weeks. So, I'm glad I'm able to sneak in a visit! So far I've driven 1,077 miles and have at least that many to go before I reach home again in late September. Most of those miles are on my own, which I've never done before. So far, this is pretty ok.
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