Playa Dust Here I Come

I am the proud new owner of this veteran Burner Bike. I'm talking about the rusty, blue, Huffy, ladies cruiser with the leopard print seat cover, in front of all the other shiney bikes. I don't know how many times it's been to the playa, but I sense that it's many, many more than me. It is a very Happy bike.
So, I am ready.
I am ready to go home to Black Rock City. To enjoy all the crazy dust, wind, sun, costumes, art, fire, nudity, sex, drugs, rock-n-roll, dancing, freedom, serendipity, challenges, conincidences - and most of all - people. Burners are some of the most dynamic, generous, creative, beautiful, adventurous people I have every met.
Up until today, I'd been somewhat ambivalent about going. Camping or backpacking sounded just as good, if not better. Because, like it or not, burning man is a fair bit of work to get ready for. One has to get enough food, water, costumes, gear together to survive a week in one of the harshest climates on the planet. Burning Man takes place in the Black Rock Desert, which is an ancient, dry lake bed that spreads for miles with absolutely NO vegetation at 4,000 feet. It's over 100 during the day and in the 50's at night. Not a very friendly place for a pale-skinned red-head.
In fact, last year, I suffered a severe case of dehydration which took me out of commission for about half of my time on the playa. I was there 9 days last year, heading up the set up for Women's Temple. On the third day, after the camp was set up, I felt like I had the worst case of the flu possible, fever, chills, weakness, body aches... I'd worked too hard, and didn't take enough breaks, while we were setting up camp. I did a poor job knowing and setting my boundaries and put the camp's need before my own. I thought I'd been drinking enough water because I was pissing clear, but I guess that's not enough. Salt and Sugar are vitally necessary. So, last year's experience put a huge damper on this year's enthusiasm.
But, finally, I'm ready to go.
I'm excited.
I am so glad.
You make me miss the days of traveling with the Rainbow Family. Ah, those gatherings were home to me.
Be well. Eat and drink. Live and Learn. And hey, I hear that sex, drugs, and rock and roll stuff is pretty good, too! ;-)
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