Blackberry Pickin'

Yes. It's pickin'.
Yesterday morning I picked two gallons of blackberries off of Grandma's patch. It had cooled down some (to around 85*) and was pretty nice outside. I was alone with the birds, clouds, and occasional mosquito. I got philosophical and noticed how blackberries are a lot like opportunities.
The ripest ones fall easily into your hands. They're sweet, big and juicy.
The less ripe ones you have to work a little bit harder to get, and are better with a little bit of sweetner.
There are a lot of little ones easy to get to around the edges, but if you're willing there's a lot of juicy ones in the middle of the patch. Your hand may get a little scratched up getting to it, but you heal quickly and the sweetness is often worth it.
Some get overripe and are best left on the vine.
Sometimes weeds, thorns or other vines get in the way.
From each different angle, there's a whole different crop.
When you get greedy and have a lot in your hand at one time, some will often fall to the ground.
There's more than enough for everyone, if they're willing to get out there and pick them.
I picked two gallon. There's at least that much more that were ready to be picked.
With opportunities, as with black berries:
What you find is all a matter of perspective.
It is the search that proves your mettle, whether you are content to scan the periphery and only take the easy ones, or whether you will accept the challenge and go for the difficult, but more rewarding ones found in the dangerous interior.
In the end, perhaps the most important thing is what you do with them.
"...In the end, perhaps the most important thing is what you do with them."
Eat them!
a berry that took a little while longer to ripen
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