Oh Christmas Tree

This morning Dad and I picked up some fried chicken and headed out to the farm. Grandpa and I had a date to go find the Christmas tree. After fueling the chain saw and ensuring that it still worked, we set out in the new pickup over to Sandy Hook Farms to find our cedar. I liked the one on the edge of the ledge in the photo. Except for the mud being a little slick because of the light thaw, it was easy enough to get to. Grandpa cut it and I hoisted it to the truck.
In the last post's photo, you can see Dad and Grandpa in the background (behind the bob cat) fixing the tree for the stand. The tree is destined for the back porch because it makes too much of a mess in the house and Grandma doesn't want to clean after it. To trim it, we just put on lights and screwed the stand to the porch, so that it wouldn't blow over in the wind.

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