
The best part of my Thanksgivings this year was definitly the Annual Fray Beach House Pumpkin Toss. Andi and Jake came into town for Thanksgiving and we had a full on feast at their family's beach house on Saturday. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. The company was pleasant and the food was delicious. I did the mashed potatoes and gravy. (The most important part of the meal.)
After the first food coma wore off, Jake's mother gathered the troops for the Pumpkin Toss, where we each take a pumpkin and chuck it off a cliff onto the rocky beach. One may say this is a horrible waste of pumpkin, but this little bit of the coast produces a lot of pumpkins. So many, in fact, that even when the tens of thousands of baysiders (as opposed to coastsiders) invade the coast every October taking away several perfect pumpkins, there are still rotting masses of orange in the fields.
So, with this in mind, the crunch of the pumpkin pictured below, was very satisfying.

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